AARP New Hampshire, a non-partisan membership organization serving 229,000 members across the Granite State, is looking for a Volunteer Marketing Coordinator to join a dedicated group of fraud volunteers. Join us and become a member of our team of Fraud Fighters working to spread the word about frauds and scams.
AARP New Hampshire tabling volunteers get the inside scoop on events -- from our summer Ice Cream Nights to a concert series in Veteran’s Park. Get involved in your community from the ground up and join our team of tabling volunteers.
I am Claira Monier and a volunteer with AARP New Hampshire. I am here to today to testify in support of social service programs like Meals on Wheels and Transportation that are important community-based programs that keep seniors at home and independent.
AARP New Hampshire needs your help! We could not be successful with any of our fun events or informational sessions without our volunteers. We are looking for Granite Staters to lend support to our dynamic and dedicated team in Greater Manchester.
A new AARP study debunks myths about age 50+ workers, showing they have productive advantages that can make them a “critical component” of a successful business.
AARP New Hampshire will be tooting our own horn on Tuesday, May 19, 2015 when we unveil a new local offering with the Manchester Community Music School. Have you always wanted to learn an instrument or see what the Manchester Community Music School could bring to your life?
The AARP Smart Driver Course is the nation’s first and largest refresher course for drivers age 50 and older. This course will help reduce your chances of receiving a traffic violation, getting into an accident, or becoming injured. Anyone can benefit from a refresher course that helps them stay current with driving laws and new technology!
Spring cleaning isn’t just for your home anymore. At our next Life Reimagined Check-Up you have the opportunity to cleanse and organize your mind and really dig in to your “what’s next” in life. Whatever your next milestone may be -- planning a career change, taking a dream vacation, or even renewing your enthusiasm for life -- AARP New Hampshire is here to help.
The Palace Theatre – in celebration of its 100 th anniversary – is offering AARP members and their guests a $10 discount to Les Miserables. The discounted performances will be held May 1 through May 16 at The Palace Theatre, 72 Hanover Street, in downtown Manchester. There are both 2:00 pm and 7:30 pm performances.