Back by popular demand: AARP Day at five New Hampshire wineries. It’s all on Sunday, June 8 and these seacoast-area vineyards will offer free tastings, free tours and other freebies for AARP members and their guests. Last year’s festivities were fun and fabulous and you asked for a repeat performance. You spoke and we listened!
It’s a treat for movie buffs: a pre-release screening of Words and Pictures, starring Clive Owen and Juliette Binoche. The movie starts at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, June 4 at the Cinemagic & Imax in Hooksett. Tickets are limited so reserve your seats today.
Nineteen activists have been chosen as members of New Hampshire Senior Leadership, a collaboration among AARP New Hampshire, Center on Aging and Community Living at UNH, and Dartmouth Centers for Health and Aging. Now in its fifth year, the program is designed to build a state-wide corps of volunteers interested in advocating for people as they age in New Hampshire.
The Palace Theatre is offering AARP members a $10 discount to A Chorus Line, a long-running Broadway musical to be held May 8 @ 7:30 pm at The Palace Theatre at 72 Hanover Street in downtown Manchester.
How you feel may just be the determining factor when it comes to scammers getting their hook, line and sinker into you. A first-of-its-kind AARP study takes an in-depth look at what Granite Staters are doing (or not doing) to put themselves at a higher risk for on-line fraud.
There’s a lot to learn about the new Health Insurance Marketplace. And it can be difficult to figure out what it means for you and your family. That is why AARP New Hampshire and its corps of volunteer educators are leading free educational sessions across the Granite State.
The Millyard Museum is offering a $3 discount on admission and a special lecture for AARP members all day Saturday, November 9. Admission includes access to all the exhibits as well as a special lecture on Who Murdered Jonas Parker? Museum hours are 10:00 to 4:00 with the special lecture at 11:00.