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Learn how government policy and elections affect older Americans, and how AARP is fighting for them in Congress and across the country.

Jennifer Millea

A majority of registered voters age 50 and older in Connecticut are unlikely to disconnect their landline service in the next 12 months and use their cell phone for all their telephone needs, according to a new survey released by AARP. While cell phone usage is very high among this population (89%), 84 percent of respondents indicate they are not likely to drop their landline phones. Respondents most often say they intend to keep their landlines because they want the security it offers in case of an emergency or because cell phone service is not dependable where they live.
Despite the enormous wealth in our country and right here in Connecticut, more than 9 million older Americans over age 50 - and more than five percent of our state's population -face the threat of hunger. On Saturday, May 11, you can help “ Stamp Out Hunger” without ever leaving home. Just leave a bag of non-perishable food by your mailbox and your letter carrier will pick it up and deliver it to a local food pantry. It's that easy!
Do you maintain a landline telephone in your home that includes an additional feature such as caller ID, call waiting, or local long distance? If so, your service may be at risk under a bill being considered by state legislators in Hartford, CT.
Connecticut voters age 50+ overwhelmingly oppose recent electric utility proposals being considered by state lawmakers that would deny 800,000 customers a choice of affordable electricity plans and drive up rates for seniors and families. Seven out of ten registered voters in Connecticut age 50 and older say they oppose Governor Malloy’s “energy auction” proposal which would sell the rights to provide electric service to thousands of current CL&P and UI customers, according to a recent survey commissioned by AARP Connecticut.
Data Captures Opinions of Connecticut Voters Age 50+ on Energy Auction, Smart Meters and More
AARP Connecticut is opposed to a one-time budget gimmick contained in the Governor’s latest State Budget proposal that would switch electric service suppliers for hundreds of thousands of Connecticut ratepayers without their permission (Read our full testimony to the Finance Committee). Under the Governor’s proposal, the State would oversee an “energy auction” that would sell off the rights to provide electric service to Standard Plan customers currently served by CL&P and UI, to the highest bidder. Here’s how it would work:
AARP Connecticut is teaming up with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), to host two “encore entrepreneur” workshops in Connecticut in April as part of National Encore Entrepreneur Mentor Month. The effort is targeted at individuals over the age of 50 who want to start or grow their own business. Building on the success of a joint AARP and SBA Mentor Day last October, the two organizations will match these “encore entrepreneurs” with successful business owners and community leaders for advice and assistance.
AARP Connecticut is working with the Department on Aging Long Term Care Ombudsman Program to help recruit and train Volunteer Resident Advocates who help residents of skilled nursing facilities, residential care homes and assisted living facilities solve problems and voice their concerns.
Are you seeking challenging work that enables you to utilize your skills, leadership and professional experience? Want to meet like-minded individuals? Are you seeking flexibility and choice regarding where and when you volunteer your time and expertise?
Long-term care, either in your home or in a skilled nursing facility can be expensive and since Medicare doesn't cover most long-term care, it pays to plan ahead for how'll you'll pay for this care in the future. The State of Connecticut, in conjunction with Eastern (Senior Resources), North Central, Southwestern and Western CT Area Agencies on Aging, and the Riverfront Community Center are sponsoring free informational forums: “The Missing Link in Retirement Planning - Why and When to Consider Long-Term Care Insurance” on April 30th in Middletown (Middlesex Community College), May 8th in Wilton (Wilton Library), June 5th in Glastonbury (Riverfront Community Center) and June 13th in Canaan (Geer Village).
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