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Patrick Cobb

Every two seconds someone’s identity is stolen. But you can take steps to protect yourself. Join us to fight back against fraud at a free shredding event in South Carolina during May. Please limit your items to three bags or boxes. Shredding services are provided free and open to the public.
AARP South Carolina believes that today, a secure retirement is out of reach for millions of Americans, especially those who work for small businesses. According to the National Institute on Retirement Security, the conservative estimate of the total U.S. retirement savings deficit is $6.8 trillion. Nearly half of workers age fifty and older have less than $25,000 in savings and investments. The average 401(k) account balance in South Carolina is $20,630, ranked 50th worst in the United States.
As the U.S. population ages and people stay healthy and active longer, communities must work to adapt. AARP’s Network of Age-Friendly Communities is a comprehensive approach to helping us prepare for aging communities. The goal of Age Friendly Communities is to increase the number of communities that support healthy aging, which will improve the health, well-being, satisfaction and quality of life for older Americans.
by Lynn Shuler Teague, VP for Issues and Action, League of Women Voters of South Carolina
(This is the third in a series of articles about Free Diabetes Self-Management Education classes in SC.)
In South Carolina, we know what a vital program Medicare is. Almost 900,000 people in South Carolina currently rely on Medicare and more than 980,000 50 - 64 year-olds will be eligible for Medicare in the next 15 years.
Who’s Who in the Legislative and Political Process?
by Darrell Eickhoff, USAF ret and member of AARP SC executive council
The first regular session of the 122nd South Carolina General Assembly will convene on Tuesday, January 10, 2016. AARP South Carolina is ready to work on behalf of its 615,000 Palmetto state members. Need to find contact information for your House or Senate member? >> Click here
Mrs. Scott came to our attention when two of our volunteers were sent to evaluate her home by the Winyah Bay Long Term Recovery Group related to the October 2015 floods which affected a large portion of Georgetown and Williamsburg Counties. Along with the case manager from Hearts and Hands, Chris Gardner, Habitat for Humanity Georgetown's construction supervisor and Lori Hardman, a volunteer, called upon Mrs. Geraldine Scott, an 85 year old widow whose home was impacted by that storm. Mrs. Scott's home had roof damage and resultant interior damage from the extensive rains but no damage from rising water. Consequently, it was determined that she was ineligible for assistance from the FEMA program.
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