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Scott Wegenast

Scott Wegenast serves as the Communications Manager in the AARP Kentucky State Office. He's a native of the Bluegrass state and works from the state office in Louisville.
9th Annual LCKS—NCNW, Inc. Leadership Summit - Lexington, March 23rd
Kentucky’s Retirees and Veterans Stand to Lose $2.23 Billion with Chained CPI
AARP Kentucky urges you to contact your state Representative and Senator - this week. Tell them "No" to any last-minute deal that could cut benefits for Kentucky retirees or near-retirees. Call 1-800-372-7181 - or - Send a letter now to your state Senator and Representative.
Action Alert: Senate Bill 2 – Protect Retirement Security from Last-minute Deals
Testimony: House Economic Development and Natural Resources
Action Alert: Senate Bill 9 is Wrong for Kentucky
Frankfort Week in Review: March 1, 2013
Aging Experts and Citizen Advocates Rally in Capitol for Kentucky Seniors
Kentucky Volunteers Take Message to Members of Congress - at Home:
Frankfort Week in Review: February 15, 2013
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