AARP is here for you; we have resources for those in need. Below you will find links to recovery resources, information on local and federal government assistance, how to prevent frauds and scams, how to help those in need and more.
The names of the first 10 Medicare drugs whose prices the federal government will negotiate directly with manufacturers were released Aug. 29. Popular but pricey blood thinners, diabetes medications, cancer treatments make historic list.
In honor of National Volunteer Week, we are sharing stories about individuals across California who help us amplify our work each and every day. Today we are shining a spotlight on David Lindeman, a renowned expert in technology and aging and a member of our Executive Council, a group of volunteer leaders that provides strategic vision and guidance for AARP in California.
It’s National Volunteer Week and we couldn’t be more thrilled to celebrate. Here in California we work with some of the most dynamic, motivating and impressive individuals in the Golden State.
Throughout Black History Month we have been focusing on legacy and generational storytelling. We’ve spoken with grandparents who wish to pass along knowledge and experience to their grandchildren, and we’ve explored avenues for making a lasting impact.