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AARP strongly supports the Paid Family Leave and Paid Sick Leave programs because family caregivers who work shouldn’t have to choose between caring for a loved one and making a living.
English. St. Barnabas Senior Services presenta la 2 º conferencia anual “Envejecimiento en el Futuro” – donde se reúnen líderes de tecnología, personas mayores y expertos en el campo del envejecimiento
Español. St. Barnabas Senior Services presents the 2nd annual AGING INTO THE FUTURE – SoCal’s Tech + Aging conference where tech leaders, seniors and experts in the aging field come together
Diagnosed with dementia and without a job, volunteering for the issues and people she cares about the most has kept Jackie Coleman happier than ever before. Shortly after Coleman lost her dream job as a disability rights lawyer due to her diagnosis, she decided to become an AARP member and soon after that a volunteer with the AARP California Capitol Response Team, “where I make sure that we get approved the right laws that benefit those who are 50 years of age and over.” Her passion for advocacy also motivated her to become a volunteer with the Alzheimer’s Association.
San Jose
Considerando las últimas tendencias, si ahora no eres un cuidador familiar, es probable que lo seas algún día. Únete a nosotros en Los Ángeles para un divertido y atractivo evento de CAREversations. Conéctate con otros cuidadores familiares alrededor de una mesa y participa en conversaciones sobre cómo construir una red de apoyo de cuidadores, obtener consejos para cuidar de ti mismo y encontrar recursos locales. Se proporcionarán aperitivos y bebidas gratis. La participación es para las primeras 40 personas que reserven su lugar.
Español Participants’ ideas will be included in NHCOA’s annual “State of Hispanic Older Adults”
English Los aportes de cada participante serán incluidos en el reporte de NHCOA “Estatus del Adulto Mayor Hispano 2017”
Español From the classic celebration of Mexico and the Central American countries’ independence day, the presentation of an AARP financial study about the economic situation of Californians, to our association with the popular soccer team LA Galaxy; AARP in Los Angeles has prepared several events to celebrate our contributions as Latinos in this society and also to provide you with tools that will help you make your life a better experience. All our events are free, but in some of them you must sign up in advance. Please notice that some events are in Spanish only.
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