The names of the first 10 Medicare drugs whose prices the federal government will negotiate directly with manufacturers were released Aug. 29. Popular but pricey blood thinners, diabetes medications, cancer treatments make historic list.
AARP and Wayne Public Library are teaming up for a three-part Fraud Prevention Series to help you stay informed and protected against scams. Sessions will cover identity theft and fraud prevention, recognizing government impostor scams, and safeguarding your personal information with practical strategies.
Planning for your financial future starts today, and we know that can be overwhelming and daunting at times. There are competing responsibilities, like la familia, education, work, social groups and more. Having a strong financial plan will help you and your family be better prepared for the future, whether it’s saving for emergencies and retirement, reducing debt, owning a home, or starting a business. Regardless of what your short and long-term financial goals are, we can help.
Albuquerque Isotopes baseball season begins later this month with opening night Friday, March 28, against the Sacramento River Cats. And AARP New Mexico plans to be part of the season in a couple of ways.
The first is a special ticket offer. AARP New Mexico is partnering with the Isotopes to offer a buy one, get one free for any Tuesday, Isotopes home game in the Reserved and Berm levels. Tickets must be purchased in multiple of 2s.