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Health & Wellbeing

Get updates on the Affordable Care Act, Medicare, health insurance, and your personal health and fitness.
By Kristopher Thompson
Advocacy, local lifestyle offerings, adult learning and community service are several of the outreach efforts needed to successfully enhance the quality of life for all as they age.
Join our online Q&A sessions for tools for keeping your 2018 healthy resolutions all year
Central Connecticut State University (CCSU) has joined a global network of higher education institutions committed to developing programs to serve the needs of an aging population.
Further Cuts to CT Home Care Program and uncertainty about Community First Choice threaten seniors’ ability to live safely at home
The following article was written and submitted by Sherry Ostrout, Government Initiatives, Connecticut Community Care
By Natalie Missakian
AARP Connecticut hosted a live Telephone Town Hall with guests Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut and AARP Legislative Counsel David Certner on Monday, June 26, 2017. The informative and interactive discussion, moderated by AARP Connecticut State Director Nora Duncan, focused on the impact that policy changes will have on the new healthcare bill in the Senate and included topics such as the potential cuts to Medicaid, effects on Connecticut seniors, and the senator's plan to help caregivers.
The following story was submitted by Donna Sciacca, community outreach and education manager for the American Liver Foundation’s Connecticut Division. She educates over 4,000 Connecticut residents each year about risk factors, prevention strategies and treatment options for liver disease. Sciacca has worked in the nonprofit health sector for over 20 years.
Thursday, April 6, at 8 p.m.; Public Invited to Join Live Studio Audience
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