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The following post was submitted by Paul Tarbox, manager of advocacy and communications with the Connecticut Council on Problem Gambling
Be Aware of P2P Risks When Paying for Groceries, Other Services During Pandemic
Survey of Connecticut Residents Part of AARP Campaign Raising Awareness of Impostor Scams
Specific Survey of Connecticut Residents Part of AARP Campaign Raising Awareness of Most Common Seasonal Scams
Small businesses are increasingly becoming targets of scammers. One of the best ways to keep your business and customer base safe is to stay informed about the different techniques used by people who try to take advantage of small companies. This is especially important for New England small businesses, since many of the states in the Northeast, including Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont and Maine, are among states where the most small businesses are created (per capita).
According to, the average Connecticut household spends nearly $6,000 a year on utility bills.
Men and women across Connecticut work hard to build a secure future for themselves and their families, but too many have no access to workplace retirement saving options. Soon, those employees will have a path to a secure financial retirement through automatic payroll deductions.
AARP Connecticut is in communities across the state working with residents and elected officials to make our state a great place for people of all ages to call home. We are advocates on legislative issues that impact families such as caregiving, financial security, independent living, healthcare, utilities and prescription prices. We provide valuable educational resources and information to help people protect themselves from fraud and scams; take charge of their life so they can live their best life now and in the future; in their job search or transition to a new career; and more.
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