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AARP Connecticut offers members terrific year-round opportunities to save money and connect them with people and places in their community while supporting local, nonprofit educational and cultural venues.
By Natalie Missakian
Connecticut’s manufacturing industry will need an estimated 25,000 to 35,000 new skilled workers for the state’s 4,100 manufacturing companies in the next two decades. Connecticut state colleges and universities, private colleges, and the state’s comprehensive and technical high schools have done a great job of introducing the varied and high-tech career opportunities available to students in the manufacturing industry. However, the growing demand for qualified workers to meet the resurgent manufacturing industry is outpacing the supply, which has created an increasing need for instructors. AARP Connecticut has begun assisting schools in identifying and recruiting retired manufacturers who might consider applying their real world skills in the classroom.
Mary Fay, the inaugural Executive Director of the Connecticut Retirement Security Authority (CRSA), recently sat with AARP Connecticut volunteer Tim Ryan to talk about the new program that will offer retirement security to employees who do not have a plan offered by their employer. Fay and Ryan discussed the need for the program, status of the launch and her career history.
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Learn How to Leverage Your Skills and Experience at AARP’s Free, Two-Part Webinar
By Natalie Missakian
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