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Health & Wellbeing

Get updates on the Affordable Care Act, Medicare, health insurance, and your personal health and fitness.
AARP is growing in Bowling Green and local volunteers are creating real and meaningful change to help you - take on today.
AARP is in Lexington and local volunteers are creating real and meaningful change to help you - take on today.
AARP Kentucky is collaborating with the Thrive Center in Louisville, a new nonprofit focused on the needs of the aging population. Founded by a coalition of national senior-care organizations, the center has chosen memory care (dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive fitness) as a focus.
AARP’s FREE Online Q&A Has Answers
Arm Yourself with Knowledge at Symposium on Dementia
Attend AARP’s Free, Two-Part Webinar
Join us at the Coffee Zone from 10:00-12:00 on September 11th, and enjoy a free cup of coffee and a muffin while learning about hearing loss, ways to protect your hearing, and products currently available. There will be no sales but you will hear from a clinical audiologist who can answer your questions.
New Physician Survey Underscores the Need for Innovative Solutions to World’s Brain Health Crisis Impacting More Than 50 Million People
Join our online Q&A sessions for tools for keeping your 2018 healthy resolutions all year
The state is facing budget cuts, and AARP is fighting to keep the burden from falling on Kentucky’s most vulnerable citizens.
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