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DID YOU KNOW: Americans 50 and older are the most powerful voting bloc in the U.S. Make your voice heard! Pledge to vote at and be the difference.
By Christina Hernandez Sherwood
In New Jersey, more than 1.1 million people care for their parents, spouses and other loved ones so they can live in their homes, where they prefer to be. Most family caregivers combine the responsibilities of their full-time or part-time jobs with the care of a loved one. However, more than one million workers in New Jersey do not have a single paid day of sick leave at work.
AARP believes that no one’s possibilities should ever be limited by their age and seeks to find new solutions so that more people can live and age as they choose. In just the past four months, with the support of AARP members, advocacy volunteers and coalition partners we have achieved noteworthy success on behalf of our 1.3 million Garden State members. AARP members and volunteers have made thousands of calls, sent almost 6,000 emails, conducted numerous legislative visits with our elected representatives and organized two lobby days at the New Jersey State Capitol. Your actions demonstrate the power of AARP are the secret sauce to achieving positive change in the lives of not only the 50 plus, but for all New Jerseyans.
AARP NJ was happy to host over 150 participants at our bilingual event for family caregivers in North Bergen, NJ on Friday, May 11th. We highlighted our advocacy work and recent legislation passed to provide relief and support for caregivers in our state, and also had invited speakers discuss local and county programs and services, as well as tips on stress management and self-care. Invited organizations and presenters included Hudson County Dept. of Health & Human Services, Bergen county Division of Senior Services, ACT NOW Foundation, MY CPR CARD NOW, NAMI en Español, United Way of Northern NJ, and Senior Medicare Patrol. As a treat, we also engaged our participants in a Zumba session and Spanish radio Amor 93.1 entertained our guests with music and give-aways.
By Aliya S. King
Research by the Rutgers Eagleton Center for Public Polling, Eagleton Institute of Politics released today shows that the residents of New Jersey, regardless of party and age, are worried about the high cost of electricity and that they do not support subsides to nuclear power companies. Overall, almost three quarters of respondents (72%) indicate that they are worried about the cost of electric bills going up and an overwhelming majority (75%) says they are not interested in subsidizing already profitable nuclear power companies.
It’s time for lawmakers to listen to their constituents. 72% of New Jersey residents are worried about the cost of electric bills going up and 75% say they are not interested in subsidizing already profitable nuclear power companies.
By Christina Hernandez Sherwood
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