The names of the first 10 Medicare drugs whose prices the federal government will negotiate directly with manufacturers were released Aug. 29. Popular but pricey blood thinners, diabetes medications, cancer treatments make historic list.
The AARP North Carolina Summer Nutrition & Easy Cooking Series is for everyone who wants to make brain health a priority, learn more about brain-healthy foods that are truly tasty, and to find inspiration for easy cooking on a daily basis.
AARP North Carolina is pushing to end restrictions on accessory dwelling units in the state—educating policymakers, builders and the public about the benefits of ADUs for residents of all ages.
RALEIGH – If the NC House of Representatives acts in the Short Session, state lawmakers will make substantial progress when it comes to improving both the access and affordability of health care in the state. Following many years exploring healthcare policy changes and a recent bipartisan Joint Legislative Study Committee on Access to Healthcare and Medicaid Expansion, the state Senate passed HB 149 with bipartisan and near unanimous (by one vote) support.
RALEIGH -- May is Older Americans Month and the state budget proposed by Governor Roy Cooper reflects some of the important needs of our growing population of older adults. Many will credit an added focus on aging to North Carolina’s changing demographics where there will soon be more older residents than young.
RALEIGH, NC – As college students from the area get ready for their summer breaks, one North Carolina State University Masters student, Alex Haire, will be using his time out of the classroom helping inform and instruct older adults when it comes to social media.
WILMINGTON -- Nominate your hometown hero for the 2022 AARP Coastal Community Inspiration Awards. The Inspiration Awards are presented each year by AARP North Carolina to Coastal area community organizations or individuals who are doing the most to help residents ages 50 and over.
According to the 2020 American Community Survey (conducted by the Census Bureau), North Carolina’s population grew by 12 percent from 2010 to 2020, 75 percent of which came from a rise in the number of residents age 50-plus.
LELAND, NC -- The town of Leland, NC, was once a small settlement where Village Road crossed the Augusta, Columbia, and Wilmington railroad lines. As of 2020, Leland is considered to be one of the fastest-growing towns in North Carolina. That is one big reason why community leaders are taking steps to make sure the growth of the community benefits residents of all ages.