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The need to support our long-term care system, as well as home and community-based care, goes hand in hand with North Carolina’s quickly aging population. By the year 2025, one in every five state residents will be age 65 and older.
WASHINGTON, DC -- AARP is urging passage of the bipartisan, bicameral Credit for Caring Act (S. 1670/H.R. 3321) introduced by Senators Ernst, Bennet, Capito, and Warren and Representative Sánchez that would provide a new, non-refundable federal tax credit of up to $5,000 to eligible family caregivers to help address the financial challenges of caring for parents, spouses, and other loved ones while remaining in the workforce. The vast majority of individuals 50-plus (92 percent) support a federal tax credit for family caregivers.
About 2.7 million older adults in America are raising their grandchildren. Grandparent caregivers often need physical and emotional support.
June is Elder Abuse Awareness Month and AARP North Carolina is working with other advocates for the aging to help prevent exploitation, abuse and neglect of older adults in the state.
ASHEVILLE -- Many grandparents are the primary caregivers of their grandchildren. There were more than 5.8 million grandparent-led families in the United States at the time of the 2010 U.S. Census, with figures expected to have risen since then.
For more than 60 years, committed volunteers have conducted the heart of AARP’s work -- people just like you who know that giving back and community service are cherished values that only become more important with age.
RALEIGH, NC - Access to quality healthcare continues to be one of the most important issues facing North Carolina. On March 11, legislators took a major step towards improving access with the introduction of SB 249/HB 277, the SAVE Act. This bipartisan legislation would cut outdated red tape for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) and bring North Carolina in line with long established national standards.
RALEIGH -- The NC Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) announced some good news for people who have been waiting patiently, as well as painfully, to visit their loved ones in long-term care facilities.
1.1 million member state organization's legislative priorities
The coronavirus pandemic highlighted long-standing issues with the state’s long-term care system. Problems include staffing shortages, low wages, high turnover, a lack of oversight and not enough technology for virtual visits,
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