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RALEIGH -- Duke Energy/Progress has filed a rate hike application with North Carolina utility regulators that if approved, will increase residential rates by 16 percent over the next three years.
NC auto insurers ask for major rate increase
North Carolina is facing a retirement savings crisis that will leave far too many residents barely able to afford their basic needs in their later years.
Medicare changes every year, which means it can get a little complicated when trying to understand what’s new for you. Join us for a free webinar where we’ll discuss the key takeaways from this year’s Medicare changes and what they may mean for your benefits.
It’s National Savings Day – the one day a year set aside to remind us of the importance of saving and reflect on our own savings habits. At AARP, we don’t need a national holiday to remind us just how vital saving for the future is. We know that saving for retirement is one of the most important things you can do for your future, and we work 365 days a year to provide resources to help you plan and grow your savings. But, we can’t do it alone. That’s why this National Savings Day, we are calling on North Carolina lawmakers to create a Work and Save program to make saving for the future easier for everyone.
NC Work and Save is the easiest way workers can save more for retirement
Is your 65th birthday coming up? You know what that means: It’s time to prepare for Medicare. Get ahead of the game with answers from our free webinar on Medicare, including when to enroll, what’s covered and where to find help along the way.
Most everyone understands the importance of saving for retirement. Yet few people, unless their employers offer workplace retirement savings options like 401Ks, are doing so.
RALEIGH -- A simple way to start saving for retirement through payroll deductions may soon be a reality for over 1.7 million North Carolina workers who don't have access to pensions and 401Ks. The bi-partisan NC Work and Save bill (HB 899), introduced in the General Assembly in May, creates an easy-to-use, plug-and-play savings proposal requiring little effort or fiduciary responsibility from small businesses that want to offer their workers an important benefit.
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