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Discover the latest on caregiving, universal design, livable communities, grandparenting, driver safety and more.
Every year, hundreds of wildfires burn in Oregon, fueled in part by warmer summer temperatures and drought. Here's how to prepare for it.
AARP Oregon hosted “Resilient Futures 2021,” a virtual disaster preparedness & resilience conference on June 29-30.
Powerful and poignant reflections on caregiving during a pandemic from Elaine Friesen-Strang
Housing Crisis Affects Senior Homeowners and Renters Alike. Learn about a new technology-aided homesharing program now available in Oreogn.
Debby Thompson De Carlo shares her memories of her mother and reflects on the rich life experiences walking has given her.
Resources for updates, home health visits, food banks, grocery access and meal delivery.
RVCOG seeks input from Jackson and Josephine County Residents
With the legislature in full swing, AARP members can sign up for advocacy alerts and make their voices heard when it’s time to fight for older Oregonians.
The unprecedented housing crisis we are experiencing here in Oregon has meant that we hear a great deal about the lack affordable housing in our communities. As the single biggest item on most household budgets, the rising cost of housing impacts the well being of people of all ages and abilities, especially those living on fixed and low incomes. For many, paying rent or mortgage means going without medication or food. For other still, increasing housing costs can mean displacement or even homelessness. So it is exciting that local municipalities, state policy makers, and housing advocates are working together to devise bold solutions to address housing affordability in our communities, from increasing housing production through allowing innovative and new types of housing, protecting renters from skyrocketing rents, to preserving and funding affordable housing.
Volunteers makes our communities happier, healthier places to live, and it's also good for the individual!
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