Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) are residential living units on the same lot as a single-family or primary dwelling. AARP Iowa is working to expand access to this housing option by championing a statewide ADU law that would give all Iowans the right to build an ADU on their property, reducing unnecessary regulations and red tape.
AARP Iowa works with community members and decision-makers to inform and enact positive change on the issues that affect all of us as we age. This includes health and independence, financial security and making our communities more livable for all Iowans.
Advocating for what is important to our members and giving you a voice at the state and federal levels is a priority for AARP Minnesota. Your voice matters. We work with local organizations and town and city officials on making our communities more livable and greater places to age with dignity and purpose.
Learn more about the Oklahoma Caring for Caregivers Act and find answers to frequently asked questions. New! Try our eligibility tool by answering five questions.
The Caring for Caregivers Act will give eligible family caregivers a tax credit of up to $2,000 a year starting in the 2024 tax year or up to $3,000 a year if the person being cared for is a veteran or has a dementia-related diagnosis.