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AARP Texas

Tirelessly working for Texans 50+ and their families
With nearly 2.5 million members in Texas, AARP Texas strengthens communities and advocates for what matters most to older Texans and their families, including health security, financial stability and personal fulfillment.
MAR 5, 2025
AARP Texas Director Tina Tran comments on the news of the passing of Sylvester Turner, a congressman and longtime state legislator and Houston mayor.
MAR 4, 2025
Texas: Encuentra las próximas fechas electorales, los plazos de inscripción y las opciones para votar, como el voto por correo, el voto anticipado y cómo votar si tienes una discapacidad.
MAR 4, 2025
Find upcoming election dates, registration deadlines and options for voting, such as voting by mail, early voting or voting with a disability.
House Bill 300 by Rep. Donna Howard creates a sales-tax exemption for diapers, including adult incontinence supplies.
No hay escape, todos lo experimentan varias veces en su vida, y le huyen. El duelo a las pérdidas es una etapa de la vida que todo el mundo experimenta, pero pocos lo enfrentan con sabiduría y con valor.
In the early 1900s, the Greenwood neighborhood of Tulsa, Oklahoma, now called "Black Wall Street," was a vibrant and prosperous community. Despite the challenges and racial injustices they faced, residents of this community built a thriving neighborhood filled with successful Black-owned businesses, attorneys, doctors, and real estate agents. Their achievements were nothing short of remarkable and served as a beacon of hope for Black Americans nationwide.
Volunteering, by definition, is a person who voluntarily undertakes or expresses a willingness to undertake a service. What that service is, varies for everyone, but for me, it means giving my time to an organization I am passionate about, like AARP. Growing up, I always enjoyed giving back to the community because I knew what a difference it can make not just for others, but also to the volunteer.
If you want to vote by mail in the city and county elections on Saturday, May 6, plan ahead.
AARP will again sponsor discounts on tickets, parking and concessions at San Antonio Missions games.
House Bill 4126, which AARP opposes, would effectively legalize in Texas a predatory practice that is under legal scrutiny across the country.
Congress will again reauthorize the farm bill in 2023, providing an opportunity to make changes to nutrition programs, and for advocates to speak up.
Advocacy. Education. Collectivism. Community. Diversity. Care. Family.
House Bill 568 would require that peace officers are trained on how to work with people with dementia.
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