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Join us for two evenings of good conversation, laughs, and food at the Hometown Grill with other AARP members and their guests. Receive a 15% discount on your dinner entrée and beverage. There will not be a seminar or program, just casual fun with other members like you from the Staunton area. We will be hosting two dinner groups the one on Wednesday, October 17 and the second Wednesday, October 24 both from 4:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Usher in the fall with some Bratwurst and Kraut on a bun while being entertained by Conductor Owen Hammett and his Oom-Pah Band. Sign up in the Main Office with a $3.00 donation for the entrée, sides, dessert, and beverage.
The Reston District Station of the Fairfax County Police Department is hosting a Scam and Fraud Awareness event on Wednesday, September 26 from 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. at 12001 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA 20191. This event is free and open to the public. All are welcomed, including families, caregivers, and business owners, to hear from a panel of presenters to discover the truth about common scams that frequently target the older adult community.
Every two seconds someone’s identity is stolen.
Government is broken. Politicians don’t seek common ground, arguing rather than creating results. But critical issues like Social Security, Medicare and prescription drug costs are all on the line. That’s why your voice matters. Let’s hold politicians accountable by voting this November.
You Can Help Fight Hunger in Your Neighborhood
AARP Virginia participated in the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) Family Caregiver Stakeholder Workgroup to help spur even better supports for caregivers in Virginia.
Virginia Beach, Virginia – Virginia residents reported 7,656 cases of identity theft to the Federal Trade Commission during 2017, yet a new AARP survey finds that almost half of consumers ignore experts’ recommendations to regularly shred their sensitive financial records.
Communities across Virginia are working each and every day to become more livable for residents of all ages.
Thursday, October 18, 2017 | 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 pm.
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