To coincide with Tax Identity Theft Awareness Week, the AARP Fraud Watch Network is launching an education effort to help people protect themselves from tax scams, releasing a new video, a tip sheet and encouraging people to take advantage of AARP’s free tax preparation services.
He was born to former slaves in 1875. His parents, Anne Eliza (Riddle) and James Henry Woodson, could neither read nor write. Instead of going to school, he stayed home and worked the family farm in New Canton, Va. Having largely taught himself, he didn’t attend high school until he was 20 years old.
You want to make the most of your future. That's why AARP is providing free, unbiased information that can help you make smart financial decisions so you can live independently as you age.
As RTD expands bus and rail services, its fare structure has become complex and hard to navigate for a lot of consumers. RTD is currently evaluating its current fare policies, including how fares are calculated based on distance, zones, and class of service such as Regional, Express, and Local/Limited.
Yup, Mr. Grinch, he is a mean one. But the holiday classic, Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical is a must see and AARP Colorado has a discount that would make even the ol’ Grinch smile.