AARP Colorado is a sponsor of the National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies conference in Denver April 6-9 to coincide with the Cesar Chavez celebration. For more details about the conference, visit.
The Boulder County Latino History Project, a study sponsored in-part by AARP Colorado, recently released Latinos of Boulder County, Colorado, 1900-1980, a work of nonfiction by Marjorie K. McIntosh.
The University of Colorado Boulder is hosting a new exhibit from now through the end of the year. Moments in the History of Mexicans in the Southwest United States is being held in the Norlin Library, underground west wing, on the Boulder campus, 500 Manhattan Dr., Boulder, CO 80303.
You want to make the most of your future. That's why AARP is providing free, unbiased information that will help you make smart financial decisions so you can live independently as you age. Join us for the AARP Free Financial Resilience Seminar on Wednesday, April 6, 2016, at the Grand Junction Goodwill, to learn about saving, planning, and turning your goals and dreams into real possibilities.
The AARP Fraud Watch Network is launching an education effort to help people protect themselves from tax scams, releasing a new digital advertising campaign, featuring a new video and a tip sheet. The Association is also encouraging people to take advantage of AARP’s free tax preparation services.
Colorado’s first bilingual Tax-Aide site at Centro San Juan Diego, 2830 Lawrence St, is in its fifth year of offering tax preparation for Spanish speakers, or taxpayers who just feel more comfortable working with a tax preparer or volunteer in Spanish.