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Patrick Cobb

We have all heard that the savings rate in U.S. is dismal. In fact, the typical working-age household has only $3,000 in retirement assets and retirement age households have only $12,000. Bringing it closer to home - the National Institute on Retirement Security ranks South Carolina 50th worst in 401k savings.
What are the next steps for consumers in the V. C. Summer nuclear abandonment?
Thanks for joining the call to learn about identifying frauds and scams. Here is a list of resources mentioned on the call. Just click and you will automatically be connected to the information.
AARP South Carolina today announced that it is joining forces with the AARP Fraud Watch Network and the U.S. Postal Inspection Service for Operation Protect Veterans -- a campaign to warn those who have served in the military about scams and fraud schemes that target veterans. The major educational campaign will reach out to veterans in communities across South Carolina and nationwide.
T he 3 D’s of Open Enrollment
AARP South Carolina Files with SCPSC to Intervene in Petition Filed by ORS
(This is the fourth in a series of articles about Free Diabetes Self-Management Education classes in SC)
One of the challenges Myrtle Beach faces as a tourist destination that swells from a permanent population of 30,000 to over 450,000 during the summer months is the need to accommodate multi-modal users. The City of Myrtle Beach has been busy at work for the past four years addressing pedestrian and bicycling issues in the city. In 2013 the Planning Commission appointed a Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee to begin creating objectives to be included in a bicycle and pedestrian master plan. In 2014 City Council appointed the Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee as a standing committee to begin addressing bicycle and pedestrian safety issues and create a Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan for the city.
Today, AARP South Carolina cancelled its previously announced 5th congressional district candidate forum set for Monday, June 12, 2017 at Winthrop University. The live event was to be broadcast live on WRHI radio. Unfortunately, AARP was informed by Ralph Norman’s campaign that he was unable to make the event. According to AARP’s previously-established qualification criteria, only one remaining candidate, Archie Parnell, was eligible for participation. Rather than host a single-candidate forum in contravention of its non-partisan approach to voter education, AARP elected to cancel the event.
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