My name is Peggy Heistand -Harri and I am an AARP Member from Duluth. I am here to tell my family’s story about wire transfer fraud – a story that happens all too often across the state of Minnesota.
ST PAUL – For years AARP Minnesota has worked to help provide seniors with the tools and information they need to protect themselves from fraud. Today, AARP is teaming up with Capitol leaders to support legislation to make it harder for scammers to target Minnesotans. Senator Terri Bonoff and Representative Joe Atkins have introduced SF 247 and HF 194 which will increase protections against fraudulent wire transfers.
AARP Minnesota Director Michele Kimball issued the following statement commending Governor Dayton and the State Legislature for the expansion of Medicaid
Strengthening protections for vulnerable adults and standing up to consumer fraud are two of AARP Minnesota’s biggest priorities. In 2013, one legislative proposal combines both of these into a single bill and, as you might have assumed, has that strong backing of AARP.
Everyone loves a good story about high school sweethearts. Bob and Rosie Geyen's story is one of those. They met at a Waconia High School play and had their first date 50 years ago this January. Education was one of their many shared loves. Rosie taught 1st grade until the birth of their first child and was a substitute teacher over the years. Bob taught and administered in several Minnesota school districts.
With the Dec. 31st deadline to address expiring tax and spending cuts looming, many people across the nation and here in Minnesota are left wondering what Washington’s budget debate means for them. Today, AARP is providing a breakdown of the impact a shortsighted budget deal could have on the health and retirement security of Minnesota seniors and their kids and grandkids.
As the first truly suburban generation, baby boomers may face significant transportation challenges as they age according to a study conducted by Transportation for America. The group found that tomorrow’s seniors are much more likely to live in suburban communities with fewer public transportation options making access to transportation an emerging issue for older Americans.