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AARP California

News, tools, resources, & research that matter to Californians 50+
Stay informed about the L.A. wildfires with updates, emergency resources, and safety tips.
In English | Los incendios forestales de las pasadas semanas Los Ángeles y sus alrededores han arrasado vecindarios y destruido miles de estructuras, obligando a decenas de miles de personas a evacuar sus hogares.
Natural disasters can leave communities vulnerable- not just to damage, but also to scams. This guide will walk you through common disaster scams and prevention tips.
In Clear Terms with AARP California™ is a free podcast that focuses on issues impacting Californians of all ages.
Attend AARP’s free, two-part webinar to find out how.
In honor of National Volunteer Week, we are sharing stories about individuals across California who help us amplify our work each and every day. Today we'd like to introduce you to Lourdes Mejía-Diez, a volunteer from San Diego who has a passion for event planning and for sprucing up her 1994 Nissan Sentra.
In honor of National Volunteer Week, we are sharing stories about individuals across California who help us amplify our work each and every day. Today we are shining a spotlight on David Lindeman, a renowned expert in technology and aging and a member of our Executive Council, a group of volunteer leaders that provides strategic vision and guidance for AARP in California.
It’s National Volunteer Week and we couldn’t be more thrilled to celebrate. Here in California we work with some of the most dynamic, motivating and impressive individuals in the Golden State.
Welcome Spring with AARP in San Diego!
By Rita Beamish
Find out what you can already be doing to prepare at our free, two-part webinar.
Español Fake Charity Scams
Throughout Black History Month we have been focusing on legacy and generational storytelling. We’ve spoken with grandparents who wish to pass along knowledge and experience to their grandchildren, and we’ve explored avenues for making a lasting impact.
Attend AARP’s Free Webinar to Find Out How
Search AARP California
Connecting you to what matters most, like neighbors do. Find events, volunteer opportunities and more near you.
About AARP California
Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.