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News, information and resources on issues that matter to Iowans 50+
Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) are residential living units on the same lot as a single-family or primary dwelling. AARP Iowa is working to expand access to this housing option by championing a statewide ADU law that would give all Iowans the right to build an ADU on their property, reducing unnecessary regulations and red tape.
Learn more and register here for upcoming in-person and virtual events.
AARP Iowa works with community members and decision-makers to inform and enact positive change on the issues that affect all of us as we age. This includes health and independence, financial security and making our communities more livable for all Iowans.
No matter where you are in your caregiving journey, having resources at your fingertips will make the process easier.
The Hidden Power of Purpose: Film Screening & Dynamic Networking
This fall, join AARP New York in recognizing National Family Caregivers Month and National Veterans & Military Families Month with free events across October and November. Whether you’re a family caregiver, veteran, or someone supporting these communities, these events are designed to connect you with essential resources, promote well-being, and provide meaningful experiences.
The AARP Fraud Watch Network testified before Capitol Hill lawmakers in September, urging stronger consumer protections and support for victims of these crimes.
Did you know? This simple step can help to protect your identity - for free!
When Shawn Smith was growing up, his mother gave him a common childhood warning: “Don’t talk to strangers and don’t take candy from strangers.”
Chances are, if you aren’t a family caregiver, you know someone who is. Every day, more than 820,000 Washingtonians help their parents, spouses, siblings, grandparents, neighbors and other loved ones to live independently at home – where they want to be.
Thanks to all our winners for their tireless efforts on behalf of older Mainers!
9 things you need to know and where to get help in Maine:
Trained AARP speakers available free of charge
AARP Maine is advocating for you and we want to make sure your voice is included
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Connecting you to what matters most, like neighbors do. Find events, volunteer opportunities and more near you.
Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.