For nine years, AARP Connecticut has been offering AARP member scholarships to enroll in Encore!Connecticut, a nationally-recognized program that assists professionals and managers age 50 and older transition their corporate experience and expertise to full and part-time managerial positions in the Connecticut nonprofit sector. Over 100 Connecticut corporate professionals have successfully moved from corporate to nonprofit careers through Encore!Connecticut.
AARP Connecticut will work with lawmakers during the state’s 2022 legislative session to support and advocate on a variety of important policies and issues that affect residents and their families.
High-speed internet is no longer a luxury, it’s a necessity. And with the COVID-19 pandemic now entering its third year, access to affordable and reliable high-speed internet, also known as broadband, is essential to providing the connections Connecticut residents need to family, friends, health care providers, work and so much more.
The manufacturing industry in Connecticut is booming and opening doors to opportunities. AARP Connecticut, as part of a multifaceted intergenerational approach to support the age 50 and older with an interest in continuing their education, has made a donation to The American Manufacturing Hall of Fame for older students enrolled in a Connecticut Community College manufacturing program.