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Supported by local AARP Grant, ACT Ministries and Lexington volunteers fight hunger during COVID-19 pandemic
Working with the University of Louisville’s Trager Institute, AARP Kentucky is bringing you a series of 1-hour virtual presentations on family caregiving. The series will cover:
Do you know ways to help keep your aging loved ones from losing money to scams and fraud? We’ll share important information that could help you keep them safe during our free webinar.
Caring for a parent, spouse, or other loved one can be a 24/7 job that is emotionally, physically and financially difficult. That’s why AARP works tirelessly to support family caregivers, striving to make your big responsibilities a little bit easier.
AARP Kentucky’s volunteer Executive Council and local volunteers kept busy mobilizing and monitoring lawmakers’ actions during the 2019 General Assembly session.
Christian County 5th grader, his family, and teacher honored for a heartfelt story of Grandfather's love in statewide essay contest.
Attend AARP’s free, two-part webinar to find out how.
AARP Day at the Capitol
Focusing on you and those you love
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