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Right now, the Minnesota Public Utility Commission (PUC) is considering a request from Xcel Energy that could raise customer rates by nearly 10% or about $132 a year. If approved, Xcel will have raised rates on their Minnesota customers 6 years in a row. When utility bills go up it hits everyone's pocket book, especially those on fixed incomes or struggling to make ends meet.
Social Security has long been a vital tool for promoting the well-being of those who can no longer work. It serves as a major source of income for half of the U.S. population aged 65 and older, enabling them to
Learn how Chris Gardner, entrepreneur and inspiration behind the movie The Pursuit of Happyness, persevered through overwhelming challenges. After enduring many hardships with his young son – including homelessness – Chris created a successful career for himself.
One of things that makes the Twin Cities unique is a world class performing arts scene. This Fall AARP in the Twin Cities is excited to announce special ticket prices for AARP members and their guests at two of these venues.
The scam is sometimes deceptively simple, as easy as stealing a credit card offer from your trash. Other times it can be far more complex, like the infamous con preying on worried grandparents. No matter the form, the impact is devastating. Identity theft, investment fraud and scams rob millions of Americans – last year there were 12.6 million victims of identity theft alone.
Today, Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar is participating in an AARP forum on the unique financial challenges facing Boomer women. The forum features Sen. Klobuchar and other leading women Members of Congress as well as business leaders discussing how public, business and individual actions can improve financial security for women.
Hello again this is Lynne, and just to remind you, I recently began a new job developing SNAP outreach efforts to help Minnesota nonprofits combat hunger among older adults. One of the best parts of my work is the opportunity to explore new events and settings for connecting seniors to the resources they need. I am learning that the best conversations about Minnesotans’ daily struggles and the programs that can help often take place where I least expect them.
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