RALEIGH – AARP North Carolina is urging State Legislators to pass a law already adopted in forty states to recognize adult guardianship orders uniformly across state lines and allow guardians to provide for their loved ones regardless of where they live. State House Bill 817, the Uniform Adult Guardianship Act, would create a simple solution to iron out costly and timely jurisdictional issues for family caregivers.
RALEIGH -- AARP North Carolina is urging State Legislators to pass a law already adopted in forty states to recognize adult guardianship orders uniformly across state lines and allow guardians to provide for their loved ones regardless of where they live. State House Bill 817, the Uniform Adult Guardianship Act, would create a simple solution to iron out costly and timely jurisdictional issues for family caregivers.
RALEIGH -- As North Carolina’s population ages, nearly all of the state’s voters ages 45 plus (92%) believe it is important to be able to provide care so their loved ones can keep living independently in their own homes. 2014 North Carolina Caregiving Report FINAL collected the opinions of North Carolina residents on issues related to providing unpaid care to loved ones and proposals to provide support for family caregivers.
Hola amigos! How is AARP supporting family caregivers? Watch Leo Scarpati explain how AARP resources can help caregivers find some support and assistance on HOLA NC, a Spanish Language public affairs program on Fox 50 .
In North Carolina, 1.7 million people are providing care to family members or loved ones at some point of time each year. Why is the issue of family caregiving so important right now? What kind of challenges do they face? What kind of resources do family caregivers need?
AARP has published a 2014 North Carolina Family Caregiving Guide ( 222086_NCguide_Screen) that will assist the estimated 1.7 million family caregivers in the state when they are seeking information and resources to help them take care of individuals who need assistance.