Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and love is in the air! But let’s not forget the not-so-sweet side of online dating—relationship scams. With every swipe and message, there's a chance you're not just connecting with Mr./Ms. Right but with Mr./Ms. Wrong (and we mean really wrong).
Join us for upcoming events online or in person from AARP Massachusetts. We have plenty of events to keep you informed and entertained. Tune in and sign up today.
In 2025, AARP Massachusetts is working to support caregivers, fight fraud and make Massachusetts even more livable. Learn about our legislative priorities and sign up for SMS Advocacy Alerts.
AARP realizes that healthy habits, including exercise and eating right, can lead to a better, longer, happier life. Join AARP Colorado members and volunteers for Virtual Fitness classes starting in March, in the comfort of your own home. Certified instructors will lead you each week in classes focusing on yoga, low-impact kickboxing, functional fitness, mobility, low-impact cardio and strength-building and Barre.
In 2025 we're bringing fraud events to seven North Dakota towns and offering a wide range of virtual events to show you how to safeguard yourself from fraud.