Back for its ninth year, the community challenge grants have already funded 27 projects to enhance communities across South Carolina. Learn more and apply today or share with an organization that's making a difference!
Open enrollment in health insurance marketplaces continues until Dec. 15. AARP South Carolina reminds residents that Palmetto Project, an independent nonprofit, is a great source of information on health care options and choices.
AARP South Carolina volunteer State President Emma Myers is seeking to address the very serious issue of senior falls with her project called “This Little Light of Mine.”
The attached document in PDF format is the opening statement of Scott J. Rubin delivered to the South Carolina Public Service Commission on Monday, Nov. 12, 2018 AARP SC Rubin opening final
100 years ago today, on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month an armistice to the “War to end all wars” was declared. So, we celebrate Veteran's Day every Nov. 11 and today we remember…