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AARP Texas

Tirelessly working for Texans 50+ and their families
With nearly 2.5 million members in Texas, AARP Texas strengthens communities and advocates for what matters most to older Texans and their families, including health security, financial stability and personal fulfillment.
MAR 5, 2025
AARP Texas Director Tina Tran comments on the news of the passing of Sylvester Turner, a congressman and longtime state legislator and Houston mayor.
MAR 4, 2025
Texas: Encuentra las próximas fechas electorales, los plazos de inscripción y las opciones para votar, como el voto por correo, el voto anticipado y cómo votar si tienes una discapacidad.
MAR 4, 2025
Find upcoming election dates, registration deadlines and options for voting, such as voting by mail, early voting or voting with a disability.
Austin's Age-Friendly Action Plan is updated in a new progress report.
AARP launched a new tool to bring together valuable information and resources to help veterans, military families and their caregivers navigate their health care options.
AARP Texas asked lawmakers to share insights on why they ran for office, what their priorities are, and what Texans age 50-plus can do to get involved in local and state politics.
Eight proposed state constitutional amendments are on the ballot in Texas – and early voting opportunities will soon be underway.
AARP supports the Texas Legislature appropriating $2 billion in ARPA funds to allocate accordingly to address all aspects of the digital divide.
As part of Hispanic Heritage Month, AARP in Houston has two new podcasts focusing on health care choices and caregiving resources for the Latino community.
Six Texas areas received AARP Community Challenge grants this year to fund quick-action projects, including a neighborhood garden, murals and upgraded crosswalks.
Las barreras del idioma, el alto costo de los medicamentos y la falta de tiempo libre en el trabajo son algunas de las razones por las que algunos latinos quisas no buscan tratamiento médico. Resultando en que muchos pueden buscar ayuda de curanderos.
AARP Texas recently hosted an online conversation with Beth Osborne, director of Transportation for America.
Hispanic Heritage Month today provides an ideal time to make up for historical deficiencies in our textbooks and renew the pride that Hispanic families have in their rich heritage.
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