The Financial Planning Association of the National Capital Area invites you to attend Metro Washington Financial Planning Day where you’ll be able to meet one-on-one with dozens of highly qualified Certified Financial Planner™ professionals to discuss your personal finance questions, concerns and interests.
According to Adult Protective Services (APS), there were 1,016 substantiated cases of financial exploitation in Virginia in 2015. In APS’ review of 76 sample cases they found an average per case loss of $27,782, meaning Virginia could have lost a total of more than $28 million collectively.
Family caregivers spend an average of nearly 20 percent of their income providing care for a family member or other loved one, according to a new AARP Research Report, “ Family Caregiving and Out-of-Pocket Costs: 2016 Report.” The report shows that family caregivers spend an average of $6,954 in out-of-pocket (OOP) costs related to caregiving, with Hispanic/Latino and low-income family caregivers spending an average of 44 percent of their total annual income.
With only a few days before the final Presidential debate, Northern Virginia AARP volunteers joined with AARP staff and volunteers from the national office and other states to ask Fox News, the debate sponsor, to question the presidential candidates for their positions on funding Social Security.
Lisa W., 52, is married with one daughter who is a senior in high school and planning to go to college next year. Lisa began working at the age of 16 and has been paying into Social Security for the past 36 years. She first worked in fast food in high school, waited tables in college, and managed restaurants for a time before settling into her current job as the Director of Marketing at a regional credit union.
If nothing is done to improve Social Security, benefits will have to be reduced by about 25 percent. We are encouraging the candidates to tell voters how they would make Social Security sustainable for future generations. Tell us your story about what Social Security means to your family.