SCORE, – - mentors to America’s small businesses, and has teamed up with Sam’s Club to provide day-long events filled with marketing workshops, resources and mentoring for small business owners seeking to expand their ventures. The second “Marketing Your Business for Growth” event will take place in Denver on April 3, 2013 and is made possible by more than $500,000 in grants provided by Sam’s Club to fund educational workshops for American entrepreneurs.
AARP Colorado wants you to support SB 13-127 (Sen. Lucia Guzman and Rep. Dianne Primavera), a sales-tax revenue to benefit the Older Coloradans Cash Fund.
Cesar Chavez, along with Delores Huerta, founded the United Farmworkers Union of America in 1962. Chavez left a legacy of nonviolence, grass-roots organizing, and he is responsible for numerous labor improvements today.
The Elder Care Network of Northern Colorado is presenting its third annual Elder Care Resource Day: A Day of Learning for Family Caregivers on Saturday, April 6, 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Timberline Church, 2908 S. Timberline Road in Fort Collins.
Did you know that AARP airs a show through RFD-TV, a rural provider, that brings information about older adults and the issues they care about in rural areas, and many Colorado communities can tune in?
Did you know that AARP airs a show through RFD-TV, a rural provider, that brings information about older adults and the issues they care about in rural areas and many Colorado communities can tune in?
Did you know that AARP airs a show through RFD-TV, a rural provider, that brings information about older adults and the issues they care about in rural areas and many Colorado communities can tune in?