More than 140 community leaders, residents and volunteers gathered for the Fourth Annual Report to the Community of the Greater Des Moines Age-Friendly Community ‘Great Places for All Ages’ initiative and Tomorrow Plan Speaker Series presentation at Des Moines University Olsen Medical Education Center on Friday, Dec. 16th.
The City of Des Moines’ efforts to encourage energy efficiency, sustainability and age-friendly practices have earned the city and Mayor Frank Cownie inclusion in the new book, “Where We Live: Communities for All Ages, 100+ Inspiring Ideas from America’s Mayors,” by Nancy LeaMond, AARP Executive Vice President for Community, State and National Affairs.
Don Corrigan of Des Moines has been named winner of the 2016 AARP Iowa Andrus Award for Community Service, AARP’s most prestigious and visible volunteer award.
All are invited to join AARP and volunteer and community leaders of the Greater Des Moines Age-Friendly Initiative for the fourth annual report to the community on Friday, Dec. 16th at Des Moines University, this year featuring special guest Daniel Parolek.
More than 500 Iowans from across the state participated in our recent series of voter engagement Social Security solutions forums to discuss the importance of Social Security in the 2016 election and to the economic security of Iowans for generations to come.
AARP Iowa State Director Kent Sovern hosted a live Tele-Town Hall in October with leaders of Iowa's Senior Health Insurance Information Program (SHIIP) to review the latest for the open enrollment period for Medicare Part D for 2017.
Thanks to the more than 4,500 Iowa State Fair goers who stopped by the AARP Take A Stand booth to show their support for the future of Social Security during our celebration of Social Security's 81st anniversary.