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Learn how government policy and elections affect older Americans, and how AARP is fighting for them in Congress and across the country.

AARP California

News, tools, resources, & research that matter to Californians 50+
Stay informed about the L.A. wildfires with updates, emergency resources, and safety tips.
Honoring Everyday Excellence in our Communities! During Black History Month, we honor leaders who consistently dedicate themselves to uplifting and supporting their communities.
In English | Los incendios forestales de las pasadas semanas Los Ángeles y sus alrededores han arrasado vecindarios y destruido miles de estructuras, obligando a decenas de miles de personas a evacuar sus hogares.
Natural disasters can leave communities vulnerable- not just to damage, but also to scams. This guide will walk you through common disaster scams and prevention tips.
In Clear Terms with AARP California™ is a free podcast that focuses on issues impacting Californians of all ages.
Español. On Thursday, June 7th, 2018, Abraham Lincoln High School graduate, Gissell Jiménez, was selected as the recipient of this year’s Andrus Opportunity Award along with $5,000 to help her pay for her education. The award is named after AARP founder Dr. Ethel Percy Andrus, who served as principal of Lincoln High from 1916 to 1944.
Español The LA Galaxy and AARP have teamed up for a second “ Fantasy Fútbol” Camp at StubHub Center in October 13, 2018 for ten (10) lucky winners and their nominees. This is your chance to thank someone who has supported your passion for soccer and who shares your love for the game by nominating them for this exclusive experience with your favorite team!
Throughout the month of June, AARP in San Diego will be celebrating the 120 th anniversary of the Philippine’s independence. Join us at the following celebrations and events – bring your family and friends and come celebrate with your Kababayan!
By 2035 the United States will be a country comprised of more people older than 65 than people under 18. That reality motivates AARP every day to ask questions about how we are adjusting to this coming change. Are we building communities that include housing for all income levels, accessible and affordable transportation options, safe parks and public spaces, networks to prevent social isolation, and so on? These components not only benefit older adults, they create great places for people of all ages and all abilities to live and thrive. Through an extensive analysis process, AARP has concluded Measure B does not address the above mentioned qualities.
Our Two-Part Online Q&A Session Can Help You Stay Up-to-Date
By Carla Meyer
Don’t Forget to Vote on June 5th!
Thanks to the California Voter’s Choice Act, a law passed in 2016, voters in five California counties will have more flexibility to choose how, when, and where they cast their ballots, beginning with the June 5 th primary election.
Our Special Online Sessions Can Help You Balance Them
Español. It’s not surprising that many think Cinco de Mayo celebrates Mexico’s independence, but it actually commemorates the Mexican Army’s unlikely triumph over Napoleon III’s French forces in 1862 at the Battle of Puebla. The battle was one of many in an ongoing war between the two nations, but the victory temporarily stopped France’s invasion of the nation and bolstered Mexican spirits by showing that it could resist global powers.
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