Scams take many forms so being aware and understanding the variety of ways criminals use to steal money can help you stay a step ahead of scams. Scammers may seek payment through hard-to-trace methods with few or no protections including gift cards, cryptocurrency, wire transfers, peer-to-peer apps and, more recently, gold bars.
Want to enjoy the peace of mind that comes with having your financial matters in order? This is where we can help. AARP is working to empower you with information and resources that can help bring comfort and security for you and your loved ones.
AARP Connecticut – advocates for people 50-plus in Connecticut and their families – will work with lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to support legislation and issues that make our state a great place to live for people of all ages.
AARP Connecticut submitted to the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) a petition that was signed by thousands of Connecticut residents in the 17 towns serviced by United Illuminating Company opposing the utility provider’s request to implement a rate increase on the regulated delivery portion of electric bills. This will significantly raise the cost of electricity for Connecticut ratepayers, who already pay the highest retail electricity price in the continental United States, by nearly 15% over three years. If approved, the rate increase would be in addition to a significant increase in the cost of deregulated supply that will take effect on January 1, 2023.
The following guest post was submitted by Nancy Schwartz, Founder and Transformational Strategist, Envision Healthy Retirement. AARP Connecticut urges people to consult with their doctor about their dietary needs.
AARP Connecticut is very concerned about the health and safety of state residents as we enter the winter months. Many of our members are on moderate, low, or fixed incomes, and they are being hit hard by inflation and the ongoing economic impacts of the pandemic.
AARP Connecticut is pleased to announce Phillip King of Cheshire has been selected to receive the 2022 Andrus Award for Community Service, the Association’s most prestigious state volunteer award, for his outstanding volunteerism and commitment to the community. Mr. King, a long-time Gaylord Specialty Healthcare volunteer, was presented with the Andrus Award at a ceremony on November 9, 2022.
AARP Connecticut has selected seven recipients for its fifth Livable Communities Support Program that funds quick-action projects in Connecticut communities that will help make immediate improvements or jumpstart long-term progress that will support residents. AARP Connecticut has funded 29 projects since the inception of the program in 2018.
AARP Connecticut submitted to the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) the names of nearly 2,400 Connecticut residents who signed a petition that opposes the Aquarion Water Company’s request to implement a rate increase that will raise the cost of water for Connecticut ratepayers by nearly 25% over three years.