As we approach spring and the second season of 2019, AARP members and their guests are reminded that they can save money on tickets to hear stories by ordinary people doing extraordinary things in the second half of their lives as part of the 2ND ACT speaker series at Waterbury’s Palace Theater.
Connecticut’s manufacturing industry will need an estimated 25,000 to 35,000 new skilled workers for the state’s 4,100 manufacturing companies in the next two decades. Connecticut state colleges and universities, private colleges, and the state’s comprehensive and technical high schools have done a great job of introducing the varied and high-tech career opportunities available to students in the manufacturing industry. However, the growing demand for qualified workers to meet the resurgent manufacturing industry is outpacing the supply, which has created an increasing need for instructors. AARP Connecticut has begun assisting schools in identifying and recruiting retired manufacturers who might consider applying their real world skills in the classroom.
AARP is now accepting applications for the 2019 Community Challenge grant program to fund “quick-action” projects that spark change in local communities. The grant program, which is now in its third year, is part of AARP’s nationwide Livable Communities initiative, which aims to make communities great places to live for everyone.
What a year! Check out the results of our Disrupt Aging workshops in 2018 - and then resolve to #DisruptAging in your community or workplace in 2019. For more info contact!