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AARP is here locally to help you take on 2023 with virtual and in-person events, local resources, information and more.
Muertos Fest honors those who have passed while celebrating life, family and culture.
Votar no es sólo un privilegio, sino también nuestro derecho. Nos da el poder de decidir cómo será nuestro futuro. En AARP Houston hemos reunido la información electoral local más actualizada para asegurarnos de que usted esté informado y que las voces de los votantes mayores de 50 años se escuchen el 9 de diciembre.
New to using a Cell phone or trying out a smart phone - this workshop can help! We would like to take the frustration out of using your mobile Cell phone!
While free time is on your side why not make the most of it? Powered by passion, purpose and peer-to-peer connection, the courses offered by New Knowledge Adventures engage you on every level. Enjoy unlimited classes this fall at no charge!
When AARP volunteer Ira Turner took the mound at Jackie Robinson Ballpark this summer to throw the ceremonial first pitch at a Daytona Tortugas minor league game, he was right at home. Why? Because he was being honored as the AARP Volunteer of the Week on the very same field he played collegiately – just the start of his incredible professional baseball career.
The challenges facing dementia caregivers will be explored along with the medicine and science behind dementia-related diseases in two special events held in October through partnerships with the Alzheimer’s Association, University of Denver, and CU Anschutz. Both of the programs are open to the public and offered at no charge.
Join us at the AARP Resource Center and discover yoga that you may find beneficial to help with life challenges. AARP Colorado is collaborating to offer 13 sessions throughout the remainder of 2023 and hope you'll join us. Yoga is open to anyone 18 plus and of all abilities.
In celebration of National Grandparents Day recently, grandparents were rocking and rolling at the Grandparents Day of Art and Activity sponsored by AARP Virginia and Tidewater Arts Outreach at the Bayside Recreation Center in Virginia Beach.
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