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File Early, Pre-empt Identity-Theft Tax Fraud
Looking for a new job but not sure where to start?
Even though many of us have the new chip-embedded credit cards in our wallets, don’t let your guard down over credit card fraud. Instead of duplicating a credit card, scammers use stolen Social Security numbers and other sensitive data to open a fraudulent credit card account in your name.
A new survey from AARP says busy consumers relying on the convenience of public wireless networks to keep up-to-date on email, social networks, shopping and even their finances often put their sensitive personal information at risk.
Join AARP for a free hands-on workshop for those who want to get the most out of their smartphones. Smartphones are provided for practice, and friendly TEK guides will answer questions. Workshops are scheduled for three different dates and locations across Greater Des Moines.
Join AARP TEK (Technology, Education, Knowledge) for community-based, free, hands-on workshops, and learn to get the most out of your tablet devices.
AARP Arkansas is bringing free Technology, Education, Knowledge – or TEK - classes to central Arkansas this summer.
El verano ya está acá y el clima así lo demuestra. Únetenos a nuestros varios eventos de esta temporada de diversión acá en Los Ángeles. Entra en ambiente con nosotros en Grand Performances, una serie de eventos que conectan a los angelinos con una amplia variedad de arte y artistas. Esta serie de eventos gratuitos reúne la belleza de Los Ángeles con una variedad de música, danza, cine, y palabra hablada de L.A. y todo el mundo. Participa en un taller informativo “HomeFit” y obtén consejos sobre cómo envejecer de una manera segura y feliz en tu hogar. Asiste a un taller “TEK” y ponte al día acerca de las últimas técnicas y características de tu tableta o teléfono inteligente.
Kansas City area residents who want to sharpen their computer skills can enroll in free classes at the Microsoft store at Oak Park Mall in Overland Park.
Únete a nosotros en uno o en todos estos eventos locales.
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