Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) are residential living units on the same lot as a single-family or primary dwelling. AARP Iowa is working to expand access to this housing option by championing a statewide ADU law that would give all Iowans the right to build an ADU on their property, reducing unnecessary regulations and red tape.
AARP Iowa works with community members and decision-makers to inform and enact positive change on the issues that affect all of us as we age. This includes health and independence, financial security and making our communities more livable for all Iowans.
Facing escalating costs for basics like rent or mortgage payments, groceries and other services, older Coloradans should know about the Utility Bill Help (UBH) program.
For two years, Karla and Bob have volunteered with AARP in western Pennsylvania, supporting walk audits, Movies for Grownups, food pantries, and more. Together, they're making a big impact while giving back to their community.
It is important that Hoosiers of all ages understand the importance and impact of Social Security. In this short video series, AARP Indiana volunteers provide brief overviews on various topics surrounding Social Security, from the history of the program, to where you can find additional resources.