This week AARP released an important survey on the economic value of family caregivers. Family caregivers in North Carolina provided 1.19 billion hours of care—worth an estimated $13.4 billion—to their parents, spouses, partners, and other adult loved ones in 2013, according to AARP Public Policy Institute’s new report, Valuing the Invaluable: 2015 Update. The findings underscore the need for greater support for family caregivers who contribute not only to patient health, but to lowering the overall cost of care.
WASHINGTON, DC — Family caregivers in North Carolina provided 1.19 billion hours of care—worth an estimated $13.4 billion—to their parents, spouses, partners, and other adult loved ones in 2013, according to AARP Public Policy Institute’s new report, Valuing the Invaluable: 2015 Update. The total estimated economic value of uncompensated care provided by the nation’s family caregivers surpassed total Medicaid spending ($449 billion), and nearly equaled the annual sales ($469 billion) of the four largest U.S. tech companies combined (Apple, Hewlett Packard, IBM, and Microsoft) in 2013.
Over 40 North Carolina health care, community leaders and volunteers watched AARP CEO Jo Ann Jenkins when she joined President Barack Obama and hundreds of leaders focused on aging policy at the White House Conference on Aging (WHCOA) .
ASHEVILLE -- Real Life is on the road again and has recorded this special show in Asheville. This week, you’ll hear from 89 year-old Genevieve Amaral, one of the fine people host Debra Tyler Horton met during her summer travels.
AARP California's Jennifer Hopson is this week's special guest on "Real Life." Jennifer talks about some of the exciting programs and the work of AARP in the Golden State. Whether it is getting people moving and active through a new walking club, helping family caregivers through informational outreach and some pampering, protecting people from fraud, or getting people better prepared to meet the financial demands of retirement, AARP is helping people live the lives they want to live. AARP is also working hard in California to make communities more inclusive to the 50 plus population.
AARP volunteers delivered approximately 700 letters from voters across the state asking their leaders in the General Assembly for fully restored, uncapped medical deductions for people of all ages, as well as funding for the Home and Community Block Grant program in the final budget.
When the state Senate revealed its budget proposal Monday night, it did NOT include fully-restored, uncapped medical deductions, or increased funding for the Home and Community Care Block Grant that helps people live independently in their own homes. Instead, the Senate proposed a $20,000 combined cap for all itemized deductions and no change to the Block Grant funding.
In the past, the state budget debate may have been something North Carolina’s non-political junkies generally overlooked or did not closely follow. But this legislative session, more age 50-plus voters have been paying close attention because tax law changes that went into effect hit them where it counts, right in the pocketbook.
AARP came out against State House Bill 405 – the Property Protection Act also known as the ‘Ag-Gag’ bill in recent weeks. Last week, AARP asked the Governor to veto this bill after it passed the Senate because the bill goes too far and applies to all businesses, not just agricultural businesses, and could discourage whistleblowing by employees. We need employees ready to blow the whistle when abuse, neglect or unethical acts are occurring in and around our most vulnerable populations of seniors and kids.