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AARP Texas

Tirelessly working for Texans 50+ and their families
With nearly 2.5 million members in Texas, AARP Texas strengthens communities and advocates for what matters most to older Texans and their families, including health security, financial stability and personal fulfillment.
MAR 5, 2025
AARP Texas Director Tina Tran comments on the news of the passing of Sylvester Turner, a congressman and longtime state legislator and Houston mayor.
MAR 4, 2025
Texas: Encuentra las próximas fechas electorales, los plazos de inscripción y las opciones para votar, como el voto por correo, el voto anticipado y cómo votar si tienes una discapacidad.
MAR 4, 2025
Find upcoming election dates, registration deadlines and options for voting, such as voting by mail, early voting or voting with a disability.
Learn How to Leverage Your Skills and Experience at AARP’s Free, Two-Part Webinar
With thousands of Texans getting hit by surprise medical bills, eight organizations representing consumers, businesses, and health insurers have joined forces in support of legislative action to protect patients from unexpected and excessive health care costs.
Learn How to Avoid Their Scams at AARP’s Free, Two-Part Webinar
2019 is here, and during this time of celebration and renewal it’s also a special occasion to reflect on our many AARP accomplishments in the areas of advocacy and outreach. In 2018, our work had a truly meaningful impact at the federal, state and community levels.
They’re back! Texas lawmakers have returned to Austin for the start of a 140-day legislative session in which they’ll craft a new two-year state spending plan, deliberate over hundreds of bills, and work through a long list of issues on behalf of the state’s 28 million residents.
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Holiday shopping season is in full swing. If you're like most Americans, you’ll do a significant amount of your shopping online. Unfortunately, there is a tradeoff for skipping the bustling crowds of last-minute shoppers at the mall in favor of checking off your gift list online while still wearing your pajamas. It’s OK, though!
The number of freestanding emergency rooms in Texas has grown from zero to more than 200 in less than a decade. In fact, Texas is home to more than half of all the freestanding ERs in the country. AARP Texas Freestanding ER Survey about whether they’re in-network for insurance, putting Texans in peril of receiving burdensome surprise medical bills.
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Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.